Excel 2016 Level 1: Getting Started

£20.00 inc.VAT 20%

Microsoft Office Excel is a powerful and easy-to-use spreadsheet application. Nearly everyone who works with numbers has likely used Excel or some other spreadsheet application (such as Lotus 1-2-3) in one form or another. If you are new to Excel and spreadsheets in general, the vast array of features and controls can seem quite daunting. However, once we cover the workings of a spreadsheet and how to deal with the basics, you will be well on your way to becoming an expert in Excel!

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In this course, you will learn:

  • About Microsoft Excel 2016
  • What spreadsheets, worksheets, and workbooks are
  • What columns, rows, cells, and ranges are
  • About the Excel interface
  • How to navigate through the Excel interface
  • How to create a new blank workbook
  • How to create a new workbook from a template
  • How to identify the elements of the Excel interface


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